Should I get Paint Protection?
It is interesting people often just purchase it at the point of sale of a new car and roll it into finance package (you are still paying for it people!). They are either pressured into it by a the dealership sales person or purchase it without a lot of thought because “Davo” next door had it applied to his new car and said it’s great. Just to clarify we are talking about ceramic (some call it glass) coatings here.

Like most things it is more about the questions you should ask yourself. There are 3 main ones.
How long will I keep the car? (if less than 3-4 years possibly not worth it).
How regularly will the car be washed, and do you like to keep it looking good? (if you do it often it is a lot easier with a car that has paint protection)
Will the car be going off road? Ceramic paint protection is very hard and will stop a lot of the scratches but definitely not all (despite what you might be told in the dealership). So if you need to “compound” or “cut” a vehicles paintwork because of any scratches and that car has paint protection on it you do really need to at a minimum do the whole panel and take all of the coating off. Because it is so hard (roughly 3x harder than your paint) it does take a while to do it properly. Then of course it needs to be re-applied.
So if you are keeping the vehicle for at least 3 years, like to keep it looking good and it’s not going off road (or at least not going to be “pin-striping” the car with those scrub scratches) then you should consider it. Just a caveat on the vehicles that go off-road this of course doesn’t mean it can’t be applied on all the flat surfaces and then possibly the “old school type” (PTFE) down the sides.
Applying the coating itself is actually not all that hard with the correct training using the right methods and products. Just remember the coating is only ever going to be as good as the paint you put it on. Preparation is the key. I hear you say but it is a new car. It might not have many k’s on the clock but you can be sure this car is well travelled, sometimes by sea, road and rail before you get your hands on it! Sorry to burst the bubble here but every car requires a minimum of preparation. You can of course also put these coatings on older cars as well. However this will mean more to do to in order to prepare the paint.