
Where Do You Park Your Car

Where you live and where you park your car determines how dirty it gets. If you are lucky enough to be able to park your car in a garage, you are relatively fortunate. Parking your car under cover certainly helps keep it cleaner, it also helps preserve the paintwork. Depending on where you live and [...]

2018-02-01T11:01:15+08:00February 1st, 2018|Tips|

Tips for Extending The Life of Your Car

Some people buy a car out of passion. It may have been their dream model since their teens, so once they have it, they never plan to let it go. Others buy cars with a more practical mindset, keeping their eye on its resale value. Whether you want to pass your car down to your [...]

2018-02-01T11:00:14+08:00February 1st, 2018|Tips|

How We Can Fix Damaged Paintwork

When your car has damaged paintwork, your first thought might be that you need to take it to the spray painter, bodyworker, or auto repairs shop. For those not in the know, this can be a costly exercise. The first port of call when it comes to damaged paintwork on your car is always to [...]

2022-02-07T21:32:27+08:00December 13th, 2017|Tips|

How To Get Your Car Back In Form After A Road Trip

Once the road trip has finished, it’s tempting to relax on your couch, scrolling through the photos from your trip. However, once you’ve unpacked the car and had a bit of a relax, you should think about how you are going to maintain your car after the trip – as it’s probably taken a bit [...]

2017-12-13T06:47:51+08:00December 13th, 2017|Tips|

Start The New Year with A Car So Clean It Feels New

The year is ending, and you’re probably making plans for the holidays. Maybe you’re going on a road trip or stowing the car in the garage as you travel to some exotic location. If you’re looking ahead, you may be making plans to clear out your home, getting rid of clutter and making space for [...]

2017-12-13T06:46:22+08:00December 13th, 2017|Tips|

Which Car Care Detail Package should You Choose

It’s pretty clear when your car needs washing, but you may be unclear on the type of automobile detailing you require. You probably didn’t even know there were different kinds. After all, you just soap the car and rinse it, right? Well, not exactly. Here at Car Care, we offer more than ten car cleaning [...]

2020-11-27T23:07:41+08:00November 20th, 2017|Tips|

What to Expect From Our Car Detailing Services

Car cleaning is something a lot of people just want to leave *to someone else*. It can be a difficult procedure – especially if you don’t have the knowledge or the right equipment. Cleaning, washing, vacuuming and polishing a vehicle to have it looking *new again* takes time. Car detailing is the process of thoroughly [...]

2017-11-20T10:20:08+08:00November 20th, 2017|Tips|

Give the Gift of a Car Detail This Christmas

Oh my god! Christmas is rolling around faster than ever this year. They’re already putting up decorations in the shops! If you haven’t started planning out your gifts now, then it’s definitely time to start thinking about it. What are you going to get for the kids? What’s even popular these days? What are you [...]

2017-10-23T14:14:01+08:00October 23rd, 2017|Tips|

Why Mobile Car Detailing Is Such an Easy Choice

We’d all like to make our lives easier. Imagine if you had a full-time nanny to help out with the kids. A full-time personal driver who could drop us off and pick us up from the pub whenever we wanted – without the annoying small talk of an Uber driver. How about a miracle machine [...]

2017-10-23T14:06:42+08:00October 23rd, 2017|Uncategorized|

The Most Common Odour Issues for Car Interiors

You might have heard that scent is particulate. That means when you smell something, microscopic pieces of that substance have made their way into your mouth or nostrils. These invisible particles are then recognised by your brain, and a word or image forms in your mind, telling you what that smell is. If the smell [...]

2020-11-27T23:03:28+08:00September 8th, 2017|Tips|

Why A Mobile Car Wash is An Excellent Birthday Gift

When you are trying to come up with a birthday gift, it can get a little difficult. Chocolate? Too boring. Alcohol? A little uncool. A Myer gift voucher? Too generic. A book? Probably won’t get read. But how about something a little out of left field, that’s going to be really appreciated as one of [...]

2017-09-08T07:17:00+08:00September 8th, 2017|Tips|

The Most Common Things Missed When You DIY Car Detailing

Washing a car doesn’t seem that complicated. You get some soap, and you scrub it with a sponge, you get a few suds, you hose it down, then maybe you add a coat of wax. As it turns out, there’s a huge difference between home car washing and professional automobile detailing. We know you’re probably [...]

2017-09-08T06:46:09+08:00September 8th, 2017|Tips|

Why you should get your Dad a mobile car wash for Father’s Day

Dads don’t get a lot of credit. They’re in charge of the boring, mundane chores like mowing the lawn, changing the light bulbs, and keeping the car clean. So while mum gets flowers, chocolate, and breakfast in bed for Mother’s Day, dad gets a boring pair of socks. Unfortunately, your dad probably wouldn’t appreciate flowers [...]

2020-11-27T16:14:43+08:00July 10th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Welcome Roger Lee – Car Care South Perth WA

I was attracted to Car Care because my passion is to detail my own car and those of my family and friends. I chose Car Care because of this passion but also because of the flexibility it gives me. I can work as hard as I want, but more importantly, if I need to take [...]

2022-04-01T12:46:23+08:00July 4th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Welcome Andy Chen – Car Care Lesmurdie WA

I chose Car Care because I have always liked detailing my own car, that along with the flexibility to run my own business. Car Care has been around a long time and has a good reputation. I love Lesmurdie and the natural beauty in the area. I try to capture this all with my interest [...]

2022-04-01T12:53:43+08:00July 4th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Welcome Matt & Janine Smith – Car Care Bull Creek WA

Matt & Janine chose Car Care for the flexibility when owning your own business and for his love for cars. Matt has a long history in the hospitality industry before moving into sales and self-employment. Janine was a long term public servant and is now running a family business. Together they understand the importance of [...]

2022-04-01T01:48:54+08:00July 4th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Why You Will Never Clean Your Car As Well As The Professionals

Have you ever observed a football game or watched an athletic championship and thought you could do the same thing? After all, if you're being chased by a rabid dog, anyone can break a sprinting world record. And how hard can it be to throw a ball around and earn millions of dollars doing something [...]

2020-11-27T16:19:59+08:00June 16th, 2017|Tips|
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